Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Pray in Union With Other Participating Cities

Check out updates on the national campaign at the the blog section of the national 40 Days for Life website. Each day, you'll be given an update, a prayer intention, a scripture and reflection and a prayer. Today's update mentions Western Washington, so I thought I would post it here.

40 Days for Life is already having a potent impact on Planned Parenthood and the entire abortion industry.

“We know from past experience that these rallies and prayer vigils create barriers that deter our patients,” admitted Chris Charbonneau, President and CEO of Planned Parenthood of Western Washington in a press release sent out by the abortion chain in response to 40 Days for Life.

Abortion numbers and revenues are dropping in numerous locations, morale is at a low level in many abortion centers, and the positive press about the prayerful 40 Days for Life campaign is driving them crazy.

Now Planned Parenthood and abortion advocates across America are desperately trying to fight back against the nationwide onslaught of prayer:

In Norwich, CT, 40 Days for Life yard signs have been vandalized with the words “Eat Babies” crudely written across them.

In College Station, TX, Planned Parenthood put up a huge black tarp across their fence to block their customers from seeing prayer volunteers or talking to sidewalk counselors. What ever happened to giving women a choice?

In the Bronx area of New York City, abortion escorts regularly scream vile obscenities and anti-religious bigotry at 40 Days for Life volunteers.

In Pittsburgh, PA, Planned Parenthood advocates bumped into a prayer volunteer with their moving car, and then proceeded to open their car doors into the 40 Days for Life volunteers.

In many locations across the country, Planned Parenthood has launched its laughable “Pledge-a-Picketer” campaigns, attempting to dissuade 40 Days for Life prayer volunteers from coming out by trying to convince them that they are actually raising money for the abortion chain.

In the media, Planned Parenthood has tried to falsely portray 40 Days for Life volunteers as violent, threatening, harassing, and hateful. For anyone who has been out to a 40 Days for Life vigil, you know that is the exact opposite of the truth… but for a business that makes millions by killing people, lying isn’t difficult either.

Read the rest here.

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