Friday, October 5, 2007

"At The Other End of The Spectrum..."

A homeschooler writes:

I know you are all praying for the 40 days for life. At the other end
of the life spectrum, a major attack is underway in Washington state.
Saturday morning, Oct 6th a very critical meeting of the Washington State
Medical Association will be in session in Tacoma. They are meeting to determine
whether they should take a neutral position on physician assisted suicide.

This is exactly what proceeded the disaster in Oregon- the medical
leadership went neutral and all hell broke loose because good men did not take a
position of defending life. The Oregon physicians have since recanted greater
than 100 to 1, but it was too late, the damage was done and now PAS is
legal for the first time in the US.

Please pray that Washington
physicians tomorrow will maintain their strong position against physician
assisted suicide or we may be the next Oregon. Many physician's including
Lester, are taking time off to try to plan strategies and speak at the meeting
in Tacoma. Many have been working and planning for many months for this

The actual vote is on Sunday morning.

pray for them that they will not fail, that the
holy Spirit will give them the words to turn hearts and gain the
votes they need to stand for life.

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